Flight Dynamics Principles, Second Edition- A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control- - عصر العلم ستور


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الجمعة، 20 أكتوبر 2017

Flight Dynamics Principles, Second Edition- A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control-


 Flight Dynamics Principles, Second Edition- A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control-

الكتاب يحتوي علي الاتي 
Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Flying and handling qualities 3
1.3 General considerations 4
1.4 Aircraft equations of motion 7
1.5 Aerodynamics 7
1.6 Computers 8
1.7 Summary 10
References 11
2. Systems of axes and notation 12
2.1 Earth axes 12
2.2 Aircraft body fixed axes 13
2.3 Euler angles and aircraft attitude 18
2.4 Axes transformations 18
2.5 Aircraft reference geometry 24
2.6 Controls notation 27
2.7 Aerodynamic reference centres 28
References 30
Problems 30
3. Static equilibrium and trim 32
3.1 Trim equilibrium 32
3.2 The pitching moment equation 40
3.3 Longitudinal static stability 44
3.4 Lateral static stability 53
3.5 Directional static stability 54
3.6 Calculation of aircraft trim condition 57
References 64
Problems 64
4. The equations of motion 66
4.1 The equations of motion of a rigid symmetric aircraft 66
4.2 The linearised equations of motion 73

4.3 The decoupled equations of motion 79
4.4 Alternative forms of the equations of motion 82
References 95
Problems 96
5. The solution of the equations of motion 98
5.1 Methods of solution 98
5.2 Cramer’s rule 99
5.3 Aircraft response transfer functions 101
5.4 Response to controls 108
5.5 Acceleration response transfer functions 112
5.6 The state space method 114
5.7 State space model augmentation 128
References 134
Problems 134
6. Longitudinal dynamics 138
6.1 Response to controls 138
6.2 The dynamic stability modes 144
6.3 Reduced order models 147
6.4 Frequency response 158
6.5 Flying and handling qualities 165
6.6 Mode excitation 167
References 170
Problems 171
7. Lateral–directional dynamics 174
7.1 Response to controls 174
7.2 The dynamic stability modes 183
7.3 Reduced order models 188
7.4 Frequency response 195
7.5 Flying and handling qualities 200
7.6 Mode excitation 202
References 206
Problems 206
8. Manoeuvrability 210
8.1 Introduction 210
8.2 The steady pull-up manoeuvre 212
8.3 The pitching moment equation 214
8.4 Longitudinal manoeuvre stability 216
8.5 Aircraft dynamics and manoeuvrability 222
References 223
9. Stability 224
9.1 Introduction 224
9.2 The characteristic equation 227
9.3 The Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion9.4 The stability quartic 231
9.5 Graphical interpretation of stability 234
References 238
Problems 238
10. Flying and handling qualities 240
10.1 Introduction 240
10.2 Short term dynamic models 241
10.3 Flying qualities requirements 249
10.4 Aircraft role 251
10.5 Pilot opinion rating 255
10.6 Longitudinal flying qualities requirements 256
10.7 Control anticipation parameter 260
10.8 Lateral–directional flying qualities requirements 263
10.9 Flying qualities requirements on the s-plane 266
References 271
Problems 272
11. Stability augmentation 274
11.1 Introduction 274
11.2 Augmentation system design 280
11.3 Closed loop system analysis 283
11.4 The root locus plot 287
11.5 Longitudinal stability augmentation 293
11.6 Lateral–directional stability augmentation 300
11.7 The pole placement method 311
References 316
Problems 316
12. Aerodynamic modelling 320
12.1 Introduction 320
12.2 Quasi-static derivatives 321
12.3 Derivative estimation 323
12.4 The effects of compressibility 327
12.5 Limitations of aerodynamic modelling 335
References 336
13. Aerodynamic stability and control derivatives 337
13.1 Introduction 337
13.2 Longitudinal aerodynamic stability derivatives 337
13.3 Lateral–directional aerodynamic stability derivatives 350
13.4 Aerodynamic control derivatives 371
13.5 North American derivative coefficient notation 377
References 385
Problems 385
viii Contents
14. Coursework Studies 390
14.1 Introduction 390
14.2 Working the assignments 390
14.3 Reporting 390
Assignment 1. Stability augmentation of the North American X-15
hypersonic research aeroplane 391
Assignment 2. The stability and control characteristics of a civil transport
aeroplane with relaxed longitudinal static stability 392
Assignment 3. Lateral–directional handling qualities design for the
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter aircraft. 396
Assignment 4. Analysis of the effects of Mach number on the longitudinal
stability and control characteristics of the LTV A7-A
Corsair aircraft 401
1 AeroTrim –A Symmetric Trim Calculator for Subsonic
Flight Conditions 405
2 Definitions of Aerodynamic Stability and Control Derivatives 412
3 Aircraft Response Transfer Functions Referred to Aircraft Body Axes 419
4 Units, Conversions and Constants 425
5 AVery Short Table of Laplace Transforms 426
6 The Dynamics of a Linear Second Order System 427
7 North American Aerodynamic Derivative Notation 431
8 Approximate Expressions for the Dimensionless
Aerodynamic Stability and Control Derivatives 434
9 The Transformation of Aerodynamic Stability Derivatives from a
Body Axes Reference to aWind Axes Reference 438
10 The Transformation of the Moments and Products of Inertia from
a Body Axes Reference to aWind Axes Reference 448
11 The Root Locus Plot 451

 Flight Dynamics Principles, Second Edition- A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control-

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